
Create skype for mac
Create skype for mac

create skype for mac

create skype for mac

Skype for Business has additional features for licensing that your attendees can use. This is the link your attendees will click on when it’s time for them to join the meeting. Outlook automatically loads a JOIN SKYPE MEETING link. Here you can see that I’m setting up a Skype account for “AskDaveTaylor”. First, open your Outlook Calendar and go to HOME on the ribbon above. Common methods for doing this recomend you use the sudo command to run Skype as the root (administrator) account don’t do that, it’s a very bad idea for security. Skype doesn’t offer a built-in way to do this on Mac OS X as it does on Windows. Now you go to the login window like you do when you first start up the Skype app, but this time the fields are empty:Ĭlick on “Don’t have a Skype Name?” and you’ll get the window that lets you specify the credentials for the new account you want to create: You can keep double-clicking this shortcut to open additional instances of Skype. The trick to getting a new account is to go through the motions of switching from one account to another, even though you don’t yet have a second account.

create skype for mac

Don’t have that yet either? You can easily download it right from.

#Create skype for mac how to#

It’s not obvious how to set up a new account, however, but you can do so from right within the Skype Mac client. Sure I can! Glad to help out, because I’m sure that your son will be happier without you using his account and I know you’ll be happier to have your own Skype account! Within Outlook, open your calendar and click on the Add Meeting button on the menu bar / ribbon: On the resulting Meeting window, click on the Online Meeting button and select the Add Online Meeting Option: You can edit your meeting invitation and add the content you need to send to meeting participants.

Create skype for mac